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Topic for : Tools And Other Resources Topic Status : Not Finished

Napkin Marketing Plan

Topic Progress:

I decided to go a little more in depth and do a quick video on the “Napkin Marketing Plan” that Shaq posted a while back.

Think of your online business as having 3 levels of focus.

(1) Building your audience with a focus on Multiple Sources of Traffic (MSOT)

(2) Building a relationship with your audience with a focus on Multiple Sources of Engagement (MSOE)

(3) Building your streams of revenue with a focus on Multiples Sources of Conversions (MSOC)

Each of these three levels are broken down into various action items which I cover in the video.

Don’t try to master all of them at once, because you simply don’t have the time or resources to do that, especially if you don’t have a team.

Focus on 1-2 action items in each level, dive deep and really understand them, get some initial results, build a team around you, then branch out to the other action items to scale faster.

If you have questions, let me know 🙂

Hope this helps some of you who are facing overwhelm!

*Napkin Marketing Plan downloads below*


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Instructor : Shaqir Hussyin Shaqir Hussyin
